Legal practice ultimate guides

Lead generation for lawyers: A comprehensive guide

Generating leads is essential for growing your law practice. This comprehensive guide covers the basics, like identifying your target audience and understanding the lead generation funnel. We'll also explore several effective strategies to help you attract and convert more potential clients.

Basics of lead generation

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential clients (leads) to your law firm. It's about creating awareness, sparking interest, and guiding prospects through a journey until they become paying clients. Effective lead generation is crucial for a legal practice because it helps you reach people who need your services, whether they're looking for a divorce attorney, business legal advice, or personal injury representation. If you're running a personal injury firm, your goal would be to connect with individuals who have been in accidents and need legal representation. You could miss out on numerous potential clients without a robust lead-generation strategy.

The lead generation funnel

Think of the lead generation funnel as a pathway. It starts with a broad pool of potential clients (awareness) and narrows down to those most likely to hire you (conversion).

Awareness: At this stage, potential clients become aware of your law firm. For instance, someone might find your blog post on "What to Do After a Car Accident" through a Google search.


Interest: Once aware, they begin to show interest. They might follow you on social media or sign up for your newsletter to get more information about your expertise in personal injury law.


Consideration: In this stage, prospects actively consider your services. They might download your free eBook, "10 Steps to Take After a Car Accident," and start seeing you as a trusted advisor.


Intent: Here, they express an intent to engage. They might fill out a consultation request form on your website.


Conversion: Finally, they become clients by signing a retainer agreement after a consultation in which you outline how you can help with their personal injury case.


Identifying your target audience

An example of a user persona of a legal client

To generate leads effectively, you need to know who you're targeting. This means defining your ideal client profiles and understanding their needs and behaviours. For example, if you specialise in business law, your target audience could include small business owners, startups, and entrepreneurs. You need to know where they spend their time online, what legal challenges they face, and what information they seek. Are they seeking guidance on forming a corporation, drafting contracts, or dealing with employment issues? Understanding these needs allows you to create tailored content and offers that attract these specific clients.

Setting goals and KPIs

Clear goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential to measure the success of your lead generation efforts.

Goals: Define your goals. For instance, you might want to increase the number of consultation requests by 20% in the next six months.


KPIs: Identify metrics to track progress towards your goals. Relevant KPIs for a law firm include the number of website visitors, conversion rates from visitors to leads, the cost per lead, and the number of new client intakes.


For instance, if your goal is to get more leads from your website, you might monitor the number of form submissions each month. If the number of visitors converting to leads is low, you could test different form designs or CTAs to see what works best.

How to generate more leads

1) Website optimisation

Your website is often the first point of contact between potential clients and your law firm. It's crucial to make a great first impression. 61%  of website users expect to find what they are looking for within five seconds of landing on a website. If their search for the desired information or product is unsuccessful, they will move on to a different site. This emphasises the importance of website usability and the need to provide a clear and easy-to-use platform for users. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and is easy to navigate.


Client testimonials and case studies: Showcasing client testimonials and detailed case studies builds trust and demonstrates your expertise. For instance, a personal injury lawyer might share a success story where they helped a client secure a significant settlement.


FAQ page: Include a comprehensive FAQ page addressing common questions and concerns. This helps educate potential clients and reduces barriers to contacting you for more personalised information.


Live chat: Adding a live chat feature can help capture leads by providing immediate answers to potential clients' questions. Tools like LiveChat or Intercom can be integrated into your website to offer instant support and schedule consultations.


Forms that calculate estimated settlements: Interactive forms that calculate potential settlements based on input data can engage visitors. For example, an employment lawyer might offer a form that estimates wrongful termination compensation based on the user's inputs, such as job title, salary, and duration of employment.

Example form to calculate estimated settlements (scroll to see full form)

Offer free consultations: Offering a free initial consultation with a simple contact form is a powerful lead magnet. In fact, 84% of marketers use form submissions to generate leads. This includes contact us forms, demo request forms, and forms for gated content. Collect basic information like name, email, phone number, and a brief description of the legal issue. Integrating these forms with your CRM, email marketing tools, and scheduling software streamlines follow-ups and appointment booking, ensuring a seamless experience for potential clients.

Example of a contact form


2) Content marketing

Content marketing is all about creating and sharing valuable information to attract and engage your target audience. By offering insightful and relevant content, you position yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

Types of content marketing


Legal blogs are a powerhouse for driving traffic and attracting potential clients. HubSpot reports that companies with active blogs receive 55% more website visitors than those without. For law firms, this means more visibility and opportunities to connect with potential clients. Aim for blog posts between 2,100-2,400 words; longer, in-depth articles tend to perform better in search rankings and provide more value to readers. Regular updates are crucial too- websites with frequent blog posts have 434% more indexed pages.

Blog topics to explore:

Other types of content:

3) Local SEO strategies

It is crucial for law firms to prioritise local SEO. According to Google, 46% of all searches have local intent, and 78% of local mobile searches result in an offline purchase. By optimising for local SEO, you can ensure that your firm appears in local searches, attracting clients in your area.

4) Other SEO strategies

SEO process

With Google accounting for 91.54% of global online traffic, its impact on digital strategies is undeniable. For businesses, this means focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Ads is less an option and more a necessity. On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages on your website to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes:

For a comprehensive guide on all SEO strategies, check out Google's starter Guide to SEO.


5) Paid lead generation

Paid advertising can give your lead-generation efforts an immediate boost.


Google Ads: Create targeted Google Ads campaigns to reach people searching for specific legal services. For instance, bidding on keywords like "best personal injury lawyer" or "affordable divorce attorney" can drive traffic to your site.


Google Local Service Ads: These ads appear at the top of Google search results and help law firms reach clients actively searching for legal services in their area. Local Service Ads display your firm's name, phone number, and reviews, making it easy for potential clients to contact you directly. Unlike PPC ads, where you bid for keywords, LSAs operate on a pay-per-lead model. You only pay when a potential client contacts you directly through the ad, which can be more cost-effective and predictable. LSAs include your business's reviews and a Google Guarantee badge if you pass their screening process, which adds a layer of trust and credibility for your clients.


Social media Ads: In 2022, Facebook remained the most popular social media platform for marketing, with 64% of marketers using it. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook have extensive targeting options based on user demographics (age, gender, location), interests (hobbies, pages they follow), and behaviors (purchase history, online activities). They also have a range of ad formats and bidding options from which you can choose. For example, an estate planning attorney might target ads to individuals over 50 who have shown interest in financial planning.


Legal lead generation companies: Several companies specialize in generating legal leads through various marketing strategies. Companies like Unbundled Attorney, FindLaw, and 4Legalleads offer comprehensive marketing services tailored specifically for law firms, including SEO, PPC, and content marketing. These services help drive targeted traffic to your site, manage ad campaigns, and optimize lead conversion.


6) Referrals

Marketers rate referrals as the second-highest source of quality leads. It is also one of the lowest cost-per-lead growth channels available today. Build a network with other professionals and encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family to your firm.


Building partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses and professionals who might encounter clients needing legal services, such as accountants, real estate agents, or therapists. These partnerships can open up new avenues for referrals and enhance your firm's visibility in related industries.


Client referral programs: Offer incentives for current clients who refer new clients. This could be a discount on future services or a gift card. Simplify the process through a form submission or take the help of a referral program platform that specializes in setting up and managing referral programs.


7) Networking

Hosting or participating in webinars: Hosting or participating in webinars and online workshops effectively demonstrates your expertise and attracts potential clients. Webinars provide a platform for sharing valuable legal insights, answering common legal questions, and interacting with a targeted audience. In 2022, 80% of marketers hosted live events, highlighting the ongoing importance of these experiences in lead generation.

Attending conferences and events: Participate in legal conferences, local business events, and community gatherings. These are excellent opportunities to meet potential clients and other professionals who can refer clients to you. Face-to-face interactions at these events can be more impactful than digital communication, fostering stronger connections and trust.


Analyzing your efforts

Regularly analyzing your lead generation efforts helps you understand what's working and what needs improvement.


By consistently analyzing and refining your lead generation efforts, you can enhance your strategy, attract more potential clients, and ultimately grow your law practice.