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How to reach your target audience to get more survey respondents

Reaching out to the right target audience is necessary to get more survey respondents. Even if your survey is accessible to everyone, if it doesn't match the demographic of your target audience, people will be less likely to participate and provide the feedback you need.

Expanding a business can manifest in a variety of ways and across an entire spectrum of different techniques. Some work better than others, while others, not so much. One fool-proof way of ensuring that your company is on the road to consistent betterment is regularly collecting feedback from your users. And what's the most convenient and reliable way of doing that? Online surveys, of course!

While it is easy to fall into the bandwagon of acknowledging that online surveys are the key to excellent service, customer contentment, and inevitable world domination, the question always remains of how effectively one can address the best-suited audience most drawn to the business at hand. Luckily, today we're addressing just that. So keep reading to find how you can reach your target audience and attain way more survey respondents!

Finding Target Audience through Research Panels

Panel businesses should not be confused with mailing list companies, which supply customers or commercial mailing lists for direct mail and telemarketing. A panel collects people who have indicated an interest in taking surveys and satisfies the relevant demographic parameters. Survey respondents who have agreed to participate in surveys are recruited by panel firms. These firms link internet responders with the intended audience of the researchers.

When a responder chooses to be a member of a panel, they give a lot of information about themselves and their families, including individual demographics and firmographics, which the panel business utilizes to make selection decisions. Panel firms charge based on the number of completed replies and the difficulty of achieving the demographic requirements for sample selection. In simple terms, this means that you'll be adapting and growing along with your target audience.

What your Target Audience Truly Care About

If you want your customers to pay attention to what you're simply stating online, it's a good idea to produce material that addresses the questions they're currently asking. This isn't easy until you comprehend what your target audience truly cares about. Customer surveys, keyword research, and social listening are valuable methods for determining what your target audience is most interested in.

Remember to ask questions like, what are their most significant pain issues daily? What motivates them in their personal and professional lives? What problems keep them awake at night—or, at the very least, drive them to Google? While you conduct your research. These responses will assist you in developing comprehensive customer profiles and developing compelling content to reach your target market online.

Your Target Audience preference to receive information

Once you've determined what your audience is interested in, think about how they want to receive information on that subject. Do they prefer watching videos? Long-form content or Infographics? What about email newsletters? When you understand your target audience's favorite medium for receiving new information, you can concentrate your efforts on creating content that they will genuinely like.

Aside from selecting the most appropriate content format, it's also a good idea to research what tone resonates the most with your target market. Do they enjoy humor or prefer a more serious style? Are they familiar with your industry jargon, or do they choose the more straightforward language? Adopting the appropriate tone in your digital marketing is essential to ensure that your target market feels heard.

Send a catchy email to your Subscribers

According to many previous examples, sending a creative email to encourage people to complete your survey appears to be one of the most excellent strategies to get more responses. Of course, you may also provide a link to your survey in your newsletter or other mailings. However, it is undeniable that you are more likely to get more replies when you send out written mail about your survey. People like simple requests and instructions, so following up on this for your survey responses is a smart move.

Also, include their email address in your automatic email queue as another option to send a creative email and start encouraging your subscribers to take your survey. Because your email will be delivered automatically, this method is perhaps one of the most effective and efficient for not falling out on new subscribers. Think of it this way: that catchy email you're contemplating is what's going to make your brand's very first impression.

Use Targeted Advertising

Targeted advertising allows you to contact your target audience more efficiently. Whether you're using Google ads or social media ads, they all provide complex targeting tools to help you reach your target audience. For example, you may target your ads depending on your audience's demographics, location, and interests. This ensures that your advertising is only seen by those likely to be interested in your business.

This means you won't have to spend a fortune on advertisements to reach your target demographic, who are more likely to click than anybody else. For example, Facebook provides you access to various targeting tools that will assist you in creating and running adverts. They also offer analytics to help you optimize your advertising efforts. In addition, other social platforms such as Instagram offer their ad tools.


The key lesson is that you should not think that your effort is over just because you selected an audience and then determined the best criteria for selecting and reaching that group. Instead, however, you must be receptive to that input and prepared to constantly adjust that information to optimize future efforts and achieve greater and more successful outcomes.

You will be in a better position to discover and evaluate data trends, in addition to knowing more about your target audience. Reaching your target audience is a critical step in marketing and advertising your company and its products. Following these steps would most certainly result in more survey responders in your future surveys. And, if you want to offer visually appealing surveys to your target audience, try QuestionScout's survey maker right now!